PPB level VOC Sensing with The Voltrac Sensor

Revolutionizing VOC sensing with highly sensitive and selective sensors that offer low-cost, low-power, and seamless integration.

The Voltrac VOC Sensor

Every living organism emits VOCs, unique markers of their physiological state, serving as a chemical dialogue between species. This chemical language provides insights into biological processes at a granular level. To harness this data, it's essential to discern multiple volatiles at sub-ppm concentrations and identify distinct molecular fingerprints corresponding to each state. We can precisely gauge an organism's condition by funneling this data into AI algorithms.

Project Voltrac is at the forefront of this endeavor, pioneering the development of cost-effective, energy-efficient VOC sensors that boast high sensitivity, unparalleled selectivity, and robust stability. These seamlessly blend with current technologies. Central to our innovation is a chemo-resistive detection method, complemented by our unique sensor head preparation— a combo that's scalable and prime for miniaturization.

Latest Research Update

The Voltrac Sensor attained a detection level of 10 PPB under ambient room conditions and was further tested at 30 degrees, ensuring its performance remained consistent even when exposed.

Key Usecases
Some of the straight forward use-cases of the Voltrac sensor are as follows;
Monitoring of perishables

Gauges the freshness and quality of food and other perishable goods.

Human breath sensors
Human breath sensors

Analyzes human exhalation for signs of health conditions or anomalies.

Wearable integration
Wearable integration

Incorporates into wearables to provide real-time environmental or health insights.

Detection of plant stress
Detection of plant stress

Identifies early signs of plant distress or disease.

Identification of Mother Trees
Identification of Mother Trees

Pinpoints primary, nurturing trees in a forest network.

Air quality monitoring

Assesses environmental air conditions for pollutants or hazards.

Identification of plant-microbe interactions
Identification of plant-microbe interactions

Analyzes the symbiotic relationships between plants and microorganisms.

Pheromone sensor
Pheromone sensor

Detects specific chemical signals emitted by organisms, signaling various behaviors or states.

The importance of sensitivity and selectivity

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are like the alphabets in the language of life. It transmits vital information that can only be deciphered with the right tools. This is where the dual importance of sensitivity and selectivity in VOC sensors comes to the fore.

Sensitivity refers to the sensor's capability to detect even minuscule amounts of a specific compound in a given medium. Quantified in units such as Parts Per Million (PPM) or Parts Per Billion (PPB), sensitivity essentially gauges the sensor's efficiency in recognizing the presence of a target compound amidst a plethora of others. For instance, a sensor boasting a sensitivity of 1 PPB can identify the presence of one target compound even if surrounded by a billion other molecules. Voltrac's VOC sensor, with its sensitivity set at 10 PPB, stands as a testament to cutting-edge technology, especially when compared with alternative market options that only offer a sensitivity of 80 PPM. This heightened sensitivity ensures that even the most subtle biological signals aren't missed, allowing for an intricate understanding of life's many communications.

Selectivity, on the other hand, revolves around a sensor's proficiency in differentiating between diverse analytes. Simply put, a highly selective sensor can discern between closely related compounds, ensuring it responds only to its intended target. This discernment becomes particularly critical when dealing with complex biological systems wherein numerous VOCs might coexist. Leveraging advanced nanotechnology, our sensors are engineered to achieve this structurally and functionally selectively. A prime example is our 2-phenyl ethanol sensor, designed to detect its target VOC exclusively and adeptly sidestep any interference from structurally analogous compounds like ethanol, methanol, or acetone.

When interfacing with biology, where the stakes are high and the language intricate, sensors must be acutely sensitive to pick up even the faintest whispers of VOCs and very selective to accurately interpret the said signals without confusion.

Research Updates

Whats New?
2024 July
More sensor heads
Successfully fabricated 17 individual sensor heads by replicating the process across multiple domains of VOCs. The sensor heads are designed to cater to domains like EQM, Health, Pheromone detection, perishability, Early detection of diseases, etc.
2024 June
Patent Granted
The sensor technology is patented, Grant Number : 542739
2024 May
International Patent Filed
The sensor technology is patented, Publication Number : WO 2024/110997
2024 March
Real-world testing initiated
Entered into an association with a leading pharmaceutical giant for the development and testing of the technology in real-world for TB, COPD and Asthma.
2023 December
More sensor heads
Expanded the domains with the addition of more sensor heads. Improved the reusability and established with transient studies.
2023 September
10 PPB Sensitivity
Achieved 10 PPB detection level at room conditions. Tested the sensor head at 30 degrees and in room conditions under exposed conditions. Achieved a sensing area of 0.25 cm2
2023 July
More sensor heads
Successfully fabricated 9 more individual sensor heads by replicating the process across multiple domains of VOCs. The sensor heads are designed to cater to domains like EQM, Health, Pheromone detection, perishability, etc.
2023 March
Sensor Array
Sensor array design and testing were performed. The team designed a sensor array and tested simultaneous multiple VOC detection using a relay circuit.
2022 Nov
Patent Application
The sensor technology is patented, reference number 202241064949.
2022 August
100 PPB Sensitivity
Achieved 100 PPB level detection in a controlled environment. The testing was conducted at a testing facility (Operated by the Gov. of India) in a controlled condition, devoid of moisture, dust, and any interferences.)
2022 May
Sensor Fabrication
A chemically stable sensor head was fabricated with the desired thickness and surface properties.
2021 December
Sensor development
The sensor prototype was successfully developed and achieved the size requirement of 1 sq. cm
2019 December
Research Commenced
Research started with a team of 6 researchers under the leadership of Dr. Nidhin Sreekumar.